Thursday 16 August 2012

Speach finals

At my school, all of the seniors do speachs. This year Nathanyl (prononced: Ni-than-yil ) won the year 5 speach at the finals and Austin won the year 6 final.

Friday 10 August 2012

Sunday Basketball

On Sundays my Dad takes Bball (Basketball) at the Boys High Gym. He invites all of my friends and my Brothers friends and all of my cousins. First off he teachs us some skills and then we try and do them. Next we play a game of Bullrush or Hit the deck or Knockout well something like that any way. Then we play a game of Basketball. Most of the time I get a bad team because I'm so good and my team still win. 

Thursday 9 August 2012

The Olympic games

The Olympic games are being held right now in London. New Zealand are doing good as!! We've won like about 15 medals or something. These are the Olympic/Paraolympic values...
Courage, Determination, Equality, Excellence, Inspiration, Friendship  and most of all Respect.

Saturday Soccer

Every Saturday I play Soccer in the A-grade (Football). My team is currently undefeated. We are
good as!!!!Our Hi-Score is 14-0. Now that's what I call good. I play for Mangapapa and so does my Brother. Where in different teams. He's in the Bizzards and I'm in the Volcanos. We were supposed to face his team last week but the game was canceled which was sad because I was looking forward to facing his team.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was the king of pop. He had meanage dancing and singing skills but sadly he's dead. He was sooo awesome and skillful that he became famous when he was only seven. I mean seven that's amazing. Bet you you havn't done that!!!!!

My Birthday

August the 15th is my Birthday. I can't wait. On the 11th my Birthday Party is going to be held. This is who I'm inviting...
Daly Riri, Alani Dunn, Matthew Foster, Oscar Ruston, Ben Cirroli and Aaron cowman.